Help Tony Ives
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HELP TONY (Tony Ives - Former jockey and winner of the Arlington Million 1985 on Teleprompter)
Update 17th January
Hi Everyone,
Latest update is that Tony is to be transferred from his care home in the north of Thailand because of an unusually cold spell together with the air quality there this time of year. He has felt the cold constantly and it is hindering his rehabilitation so we are transferring him around 1000km south to a specialist care resort where it will be a lot warmer and Tony will have his own private bungalow together with full time nursing. Obviously this will be quite expensive but with Tony having had pneumonia already we all feel that this will be the best course of action for Tony’s health and wellbeing. He will have his friend Khun Will fairly close by and will be surrounded by mainly English speakers. We are hoping that this will be the final stage of his recovery. We are hoping that he will only need care for another couple of months . With your kind donations together with help from the injured jockeys fund we have managed to pay for his journey south and his first month at ChangNoi resort. However we are currently unable to fund another months stay at the resort so I will keep the just giving page open in the hope that we could just reach our goal of £20,000. This would enable us to cover another month’s costs when hopefully Tony will be well enough to return home. On behalf of Tony I can’t thank everybody who has donated enough but if we can give the fundraiser one more push and spread the word that Tony is still in need it would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks from myself, Will, Tony’s brother John along with all Tony’s wider family and everyone who loves him.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to give you all a quick update regarding Tony’s condition. After spending 5 weeks or so at Overbrook Hospital in Thailand Tony was deemed well enough to be transferred to a nearby care home last Friday to continue his rehabilitation. Unfortunately after a couple of days there Tony’s health deteriorated and he was admitted back to the ICU unit at Overbrook suffering from Pneumonia and a rapid heart rate. Unfortunately the funds that you have all kindly donated have been exhausted by the costs of his previous hospital stay and the payment for the first month of the care home costs. Thankfully he is now out of the ICU unit and back in a normal room where doctors expect him to remain for at least a week before being released back to the care home to continue his rehabilitation. Thankfully the Injured Jockeys Fund have stepped in to help with his hospital costs in the interim but we desperately need to raise more funds for Tony’s care home costs which is expected to be for at least 2 to 3 months. I’m not expecting the kind people who have already donated to give more but if you can tell other people who know Tony who haven’t yet donated if they can spare something no matter how small, it all will help. Tony is fighting hard and is determined to get himself better given the opportunity and we are all praying for him. On behalf of Tony thank you all.
Update 15th November
Tont is currently out of the ICU unit and back in a normal room. He still has a blood infection although nowhere near as serious as last week. As you can see from his picture he’s looking healthier but still on oxygen at times. We’re taking it day by day but we are all keeping our fingers crossed for him to make a full recovery. Your kind donations have enabled us to pay his medical bills as needed and depending on the amount raised we might have enough for a small care package for when Tony is discharged. This is something that we will be discussing with Tony and the Injured Jockeys Fund.
Any donation to help Tony would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you to all the medical staff at the hospital for their ongoing treatment of our friend Tony.
For the purposes of clarity with go fund me, I David Harrison, friend and former colleague of Tony Ives will be in charge of withdrawing the funds from this go fund me page to my personal bank account (wise) and I will be delivering the required amounts to pay for Tony’s medical bills at Overbrook Hospital in Thailand with the full remaining funds to be sent to Tony and/or the injured jockeys fund to set up a care package for Tony.
David Harrison