My parents, Wade and Michelle Torppey, have generously opened their hearts and home to adopt a group of 7 young siblings whose loving family was truly devastated in a matter of 2 years. My parents have 6 biological children, however, after hearing this Ukrainian family’s story they felt called to act. Their father was killed in 2016 and their mom tried to hold the family together but died tragically in 2018. Keeping the children together, safe and loved is the first task. Raising them with the truth of Christ as their Savior is their hearts desire. Here is where you can help: the cost of Christian Education for all 7 children is approximately $40,000 per year (currently at elementary and high school levels) and will likely increase as they advance. Your donation would support Christian education and the Torppey family. 100% of donations will be used for the education of these adopted children. Any remaining funds after education costs have been covered will be donated to the orphanage that has cared for the children for the past 3 years. Thank you for your support!