Help Towards Jesika's Care
Hello, Our family has been struggling financially for most of Jesika's life. We have had constant support from others, such as Food banks (in the past) Family, Friends and some special people that we have been lucky to have known (see below).
We have been living most of Jessika's life reclusive, People only now can understand what we have been going through since the start of Covid-19. We were already taking many of the precautions that the world has had to also adopt.
We have only left the house 4 times since March 10 2020. And even trips into our garden have been few and far between.
One of our dear friends and Neighbors suddenly passed away recently, which left a huge hole in our hearts.
He was one of the most friendly and kind people we have ever met and one of the only people in our neighborhood to stop and say hello every time he saw us. We know how often we were in hiss thoughts and his families thoughts, we hope that he knew how often they are in ours. Its too raw to go much further in to this tragic loss, but we know setting this Go Fund me up would be something he would have approved of, for people to Dontae to Jessika in memory of him. We heard this from his family.
His Name was David Quinn and we will miss him, he was taken away far too soon.
And we will forever be looking round expecting his familiar greeting and jolly laugh, along with the enormous positivity he always shined with.
If you knew David and would like to donate in his memory to Jessika, this is the place, and our family appreciate your kindness with all our heart.
For more information on Jessika and her continued progress, please visit her Facebook group "Jessika Parry's SMA type 1"
link is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386615074706657