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Help Travis get his new lungs!

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Hello everyone, my name is Laura, and I’m starting this Go Fund me page for my stepbrother, Travis, who was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis of the lungs 18 months ago.

This diagnosis means that he will need a double lung transplant. Travis lives in Newfoundland and is currently waiting to come to the University of Alberta for this life-saving surgery. After the surgery is complete, he has to stay in Edmonton for 2 more months for recovery.

Because Travis can no longer work, his loving wife, Sheena, is working around the clock to try and save for flights to and from Edmonton and to try to maintain their home in Newfoundland while also trying to afford a place in Edmonton for Travis to live. Sheena is the love of Travis' life. They recently got married and planned to grow old together, but if he doesn’t get this lung transplant, his life expectancy is only 3-5 more years.

We can not live without this man. He’s such a genuinely kind, compassionate, and hilarious human being. A loving husband, son, and brother, and the type of person who would give the shirt off his back to you if you needed it. He is facing this difficult diagnosis with such bravery and strength, even though it has greatly impacted his quality of life. With these new lungs, he can go back to work and get back to living a normal life. Quading, fishing, and just being with his friends and loved ones for as long as possible.

 Please help my brother by donating what you can. No amount is too small, and the funds will help dramatically. We appreciate you all, and please keep Travis and his family in your prayers.  


  • Tanya Hunt
    • 20 $
    • 10 Mo
  • Collette Johnson
    • 40 $
    • 10 Mo
  • Donna and Simeon Reid
    • 50 $
    • 10 Mo
  • Anonym
    • 70 $
    • 10 Mo
  • Anonym
    • 50 $
    • 10 Mo

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Laura Winsor
Hinton, AB
Travis Faulkner

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