Help Sri Tulsinath To Get Medical Treatment
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I was diagnosed with Cholesteatoma in Manchester in 2010 and was told I needed surgery. I went to India to try to get medical treatment that would not remove my hearing bones along with the desease in my ear. I was unsuccessful and returning from India found myself fatigued and struggling to get help. I spent years trying to get back to India again and failed eventually being deported back to square one back to UK after years of walking with severe head and neck pain. I had to wait homeless all through lockdown unable to see a doctor or a specialist at ENT as the departments were closed. In the last three years I got a place in a remote town in Dorset where I wasn't taken seriously and immediately told I just have a headache it's not a Cholesteatoma. Even when I got my medical records diagnosis requested the GP still deny it's a valid diagnosis. EnT saw me in Poole every few months just removing wax from my ears and ignoring me explain I desperately need an operation as this cyst is nowpressokg into my neck vertabrae and pushing them out of position causing terrible pain and cracking and crunching. The ENT specialist ignored this eventually he agreed to do scans MRI and CT but told there is no abnormalities on the scan which doesn't make sense at all because it feels like a ball behind my right ear and it's pressing into the back of my head and neck and the whole right side of my brain is under pressure causing pain by even slight movement and onset of terrible headaches for no reason at all or from vibrations of travelling in a vehicle. Recently I asked a specialist in India if it's possible this desease does not show up on scans and he said yes it does not show on CT it must be a diffused MRI to reveal it. Manchester also told me this does not show on scans when it was diagnosed. The lady actually diagnosed it by looking through the perforation in my ear drum. Since then the perforation has sealed (this is why cholesteatoma forms) but is still growing behind the ear drum. As the new doctors can't see it and the external ear canal looks fine they refuse to now believe it's there despite me going there over and over and even now saying the original diagnosis is wrong. They put the pain I'm in down to being a "mystery" as Dr Macintosh explains "some things just remain a mystery" last September and refuses to refer me to see any more ENT specialists. I requested to come back to Manchester in July of 2022 to see the doctor who diagnosed this illness and wanted to operate. I met him on 11/5/2023 at Manchester Royal infirmary and he had not looked at the new scans. He did a wax removal and said the external ear canal looks fine. ( Cholesteatoma is behind the ear drum in the middle ear) then he did a hearing test. I explained the headaches and tightness on the right side of my head and neck. The burning sensation coming from my right mastoid bone which indicates the growth has spread into the mastoid. He played all these symptoms down and said it's nuralgia and prescribed amyltriptamine on the lowest dose. Something I have already been prescribed and don't wish to take as it causes drowsiness. I need this deasease to be removed or it will continue growing pushing onto the right side of my head and neck causing a distorted spine at the base of my skull, headache and also convulsions at night which sometimes make me bite my tongue. I was horrified how he did not seem bothered about all these things I described and said it's caused by old age. He told me the same descision that Dorset NHS has made that he also now considers Cholesteatoma a wrong diagnosis and played down all the symptoms I have. As these are every day I'm sure this is very serious and it's getting worse slowly so now I am unable to get treatment from the NHS I must somehow seek private treatment. I am planning to seek this treatment in India and hoping to raise the money somehow. It is very difficult for me alone as I am in so much pain with this illness I don't have the energy to work and save the money. I am on benefits from the government as currently unfit for work. I'm hoping to travel to India for private medical treatment scans and hopefully an intervention this year after summer. Please if you could spare any donation at all towards curing this benign growth from doing any more damage so I can continue my service I would be so grateful.
Best wishes
Sri Tulsinath das
Sri Tulsinath