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Help Twana feed the elders during covid-19

Spende geschützt
My name is Twana mae james and I take care of many people and most are elders .I say there's 60 people and 90 dogs and if u donate to our go fund me it will be a blessing the money would get elders blankets for the winter and socks also clothes hoodies dog food or water that is hard to get on island once it's raining .also tents some had there tents for everand are in need of new or used ones .we are also hoping to get our dogs fixed and flea med .thank u and if u have stuff u would like to bring us please call [Telefonnummer bearbeitet] ask for Twana .we are in need of dry wood - stoves gas would be helpful.thankbu and God bless


Twana James
Sacramento, CA

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