Help Twisters Survive and Share Our Story
Campaign Totals
GoFundMe: $31,395
Venmo: Twisters-Sports-Official - $321.00
Facebook: $ 250.00
Gift from the San Francisco 49ers: $490.00
Total: $32,456
Goal: $120,000.00
Needed to Meet Goal: $87,544.00
Phase 1 Goal: Reopen Campaign - We made it! Thank you so much for everyone's support. I believe that we will be able to open on January 4th, 2021.
Phase 2 Goal: $100K - Stay Open Campaign: Current to March 31st, 2021 - Due to the challenges in the gymnastics industry, over 125 gyms, nationwide, have closed within the past 3 months. These funds will help ensure that Twisters can survive and then thrive during these uncertain times.
Dear Twisters' Members, Past Members, and Community,
Since 1967, Twisters Gymnastics, Inc. has provided the Santa Clara County community with youth sports instruction, after school care, and entertainment in a family setting. Throughout its 53 years of existence, Twisters has created a local reputation for providing quality instruction while maintaining a culture that stresses love of sport, a growth mindset, and community.
Unfortunately, after seven months of being unable to operate at a sustainable level, Twisters is at risk of becoming another statistic of the Covid-19 Pandemic. During the first few months, we received a lot of financial support from many of you via Zoom classes and voluntary membership payments. We truly appreciate and will never forget everyone's support during that time. During that time, Twisters also obtained a SBA PPP Loan to stay afloat and to keep key staff members employed. However, this loan will be depleted by the end of October 2020.
Currently, Twisters is in the process of relocating to 2800 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95051. Unfortunately, delays within the Santa Clara City Planning Department due to the pandemic and the costs associated with engineering, architectural, and permitting fees have depleted our reserves. As many of you know, it takes a lot of capital to relocate and Twisters currently owes $7,500 in Architectural Services, $1,500 for City Permitting Fees, and $1,000 for Engineering Services. These are costs that are due before the Tenant Improvement (TI) process. Additionally, we've estimated that the facility set up will cost approximately $7,500 - $10,000. Fortunately, our new landlord has agreed to install an in-the-ground pit and undertake the major tenant improvements for us. The estimated date of completion for these improvements is November 30th, 2020.
Hopefully, at the end of this process, our intention is to reopen on Monday, January 4th, 2021. We also have plans to dissolve Twisters' current S Corporation status and create a "new" 501c3 nonprofit organization for Twisters to operate under. It seems to be a more suitable fit for how Twisters operates and is consistent with our community's values. If the Federal Government is unable to provide future relief for struggling businesses through a second stimulus package, then a Phase 2 Campaign will be created in order to stay open while a vaccine is developed and occupancy restrictions are lifted. Currently, outside only activities is tough to operate under for any business.

On a personal level, our daughter, Remi Fusilero (11), has a dream to compete at the Elite Level and earn a college scholarship. We believe that she has the talent to accomplish both. Our dream is to accompany her throughout this process and to guide her with methods that are based upon the positive aspects of our sport.
If we’re blessed and fortunate to continue this journey, Remi and I will continue to serve our community through our Facebook Page, "Allan and Remi Fusilero's Gymnastics Drills and Personal Favorites" by posting our favorite drills, our drills, training methods, and philosophy. We'll also share her progress throughout her career. It'll be quite interesting to see if she achieves her goals and where this journey takes her.
Please help Twisters and our community continue its journey by sharing this request. We're not asking for big donations from a few, but hopefully, small donations from many. I’ve always believed that every successful endeavor is the sum of many small triumphs. We are hopeful that this can be one of those times.
Our ownership of Twisters has been a journey that we've been extremely proud of over the past 15 years and one that I know represents the Gymnastics Community with integrity, passion, and honor. We'd love to see it continue. Thank you for your time and consideration. Go Twisters 2020 and "hopefully" beyond.

We would love to "turn the lights back on". Thanks again everyone.
Allan Fusilero, President / Owner
Twisters Gymnastics, Inc. / Proud Father of Remi Fusilero