Help Twyckenham Hill Community Club
This neighborhood treasure is jeopardy of not opening. Due to a drop in membership over the past few years a huge financial strain has been developed. The Club needs major funds to open this June. In fact just to open and to operate the pool for a summer is over $60,000. We need 150 members to cover our operating costs and over the past few years repairs have been needed and we have not been able to attend to due to lack of funds. Please consider donating to our facility which has brought joy to many from our community. The board has established a deadline of March 31 to determine if the pool opens or not. The sooner you can donate the better.
Any amount is greatly appreciated!
The best way to help is to join the pool. Please visit our Facebook page, for more information on how to do this. If membership is not an option, please consider donating to this site.
If you grew up at our pool (or any neighborhood pool) consider donating a quarter for every perfectly excuted cannonball. Or a dollar for every night your child fell asleep faster because they had spent a amazing day swimming? Maybe even $10 for every new friend you made while poolside. Every bit helps!
If you live in the neighborhood, like I do, you know that the community pool helps the resale value on your house. Please help keep that as an option for you!!
Thank you again for any amount you can donate. Please be advised any funds that are donated will not be returned.