Help Ukrainian Children During Russian Attack
As the crisis in Ukraine continues, many people are wondering how they can help. TODAY we are reaching out asking people to help the children impacted by the Russian attack. Children from Eastern Ukraine are arriving in the West with absolutely nothing, barely dressed. All donated funds will be sent to organizations with close contacts in Ukraine to purchase food, clothing and bare necessities.
During these dark times, every donated dollar will make a difference.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
UCARE, Inc. (Ukrainian Children's Aid and Relief Effort) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Organization whose focus is the children of Ukraine, primarily those living in orphanages and “internaty” (government run orphanage-schools).
All donations are tax deductible (EIN: 38-3345588).
Alex Petrusha
Saint Charles, IL
Ukrainian Children's Aid and Relief Effort, Inc.