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Help Ukrainian Refugees to Evacuate

Donación protegida
Ukraine Alive  was mobilised as a grassroots initiative to provide immediate relief to the citizens of Ukraine who have been directly affected by war.

Imagine if you had to pack your life into a suitcase. Imagine hearing bombs and gunshots as you flee your city with small children. Imagine leaving your family, never to know whether you will see them again. Imagine travelling hundreds of miles on trains and buses to reach safety.

We can imagine, so we set up this relief effort to help those that really need our help today.

Right now, we are focusing on:

1. Buying bus tickets for Ukrainian families who are stranded in Moldova, and who don’t have the money to continue their journey. Moldova is a poor country and has already taken in 330,000 Ukrainians, which is more than 10% of its population. 

2. Medical supplies - Having already sent aid to the  Kharkiv Children's Hospice, we are now working with the Regional Hospital in Kharkiv to address their medical needs.

3. Evacuation of Children - we are in close contact with some of the orphanages to help with transportation to the neighbouring countries such as Bulgaria.

So, how much does it cost?

100 EUR will buy one bus ticket from Moldova to Western Europe 
5,000 EUR will help pay for a full bus of Children to travel from Ukraine to Bulgaria
3,500 EUR will pay for one truck full of medicine to travel to Ukraine

What do we need from you today:

Please donate - this money will help us buy tickets, arranging buses and transport medicine. 

Your network - if you have connections to Medical Community in Switzerland and in Europe, please reach out to us


  • Laura Durston
    • CHF928
    • 3 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)

Roksana Fasovska
Kilchberg, ZH
Andrea Moser
Team member

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