Help Us Build A Miracle for a family in Tijuana!
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The Bishop's School BAM chapter was established in 2019. The club has helped build 7 houses for Build a Miracle in Tijuana. We just finished building the 7th house, and need your help, to sponsor our 8th family. BAM has been one of the leading non-profit organizations in San Diego since 1999 and has built over 480 homes for families in Tijuana. By providing adequate housing, we start a cycle of positivity that continues for generations. A home not only provides a family with safe, and sanitary living conditions, but also enables a family to put their income towards more pressing concerns such as their health, children's education, or even putting food on the table. By providing a family with a home, we can change the trajectory of their lives, and the lives of future generations in the same community. Any contribution would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause which means so much to us.
Bishop's BAM is a small group of high schoolers that hopes to make a difference. In the picture above is our most recent sponsored family, as well as Bishop's students, Katherine Ge, Sofia Holman, James Zuzack, Victor Joulin- Batejat, Emeraude Westlake and Grace Dabir. We have visited and volunteered by raising money, mixing cement, painting homes and helping decorate them for families over the past two years. Helping these families has helped us appreciate how much these homes mean to the recipients and how immensely they help the kids that will grow up in these homes.
More information about Build A Miracle: Build a Miracle provides homes and educational opportunities in Tijuana's impoverished communities. Families that receive homes are expected to do 500 hours of community service and most stay involved, helping build homes for others and participating in other Build a Miracle programs indefinitely. There are two Build a Miracle Community Centers in El Florido, Tijuana that serve over 700 people per week. The centers offer accredited Adult Education programs, academic programs, vocational training, tutoring and much much more. Families who receive services also contribute service hours to the center or the community thereby actively giving back to the community.
Follow us on Instagram @bam_bishops
LINK to our Instagram: https://instagram.com/bam_bishops?igshid=MmlzYWVINDQ5Yg==
Grace Sophia Dabir
Rancho Santa Fe, CA
Build A Miracle