Help us build The Biggest Ball of Twine in Nevada
Donation protected
We are building The Biggest Ball of Twine in Nevada! Come see the Twine Ball in Black Rock City this summer 2025! We are dedicating this project to the memory of our friend Andrej Kucher who tragically lost his life to gun violence last year. Our project will recreate the Weird Al song “Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv_QUiDYTTg) but do it in Nevada. The song itself is ultimately an absurd undertaking about another absurd undertaking: the twine ball itself. Burning Man is also pretty absurd… it is long and difficult and from outside of it, it seems just confusing. Why would you do that? Why pour so much energy into this ridiculous thing. We think making a twine ball captures a lot of that absurdism.
Andrej was a huge fan of Weird Al much like ourselves, which is hard to achieve and you can't fake it. We’ve chosen to use our grief to create something positive and fun, and to rejoice in his memory, which we hoped would have made him feel so charmed.
We have submitted a formal proposal to the Burning Man Project for an art grant to build this project and even if we receive a grant it will not cover all of our expenses. This is why we are asking for your support. We want to be clear that we do not want our fundraising to detract from the fundraising for his family. We want this to be another celebration of life in Andrej's honor.
In the spirit of absurdity we will have live renditions of the Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota/Nevada (one of Andrej’s favorite Weird Al songs) as well as Weird Al singalongs and karaoke. Like any good roadside attraction we will have silly things that Andrej and Weird Al would enjoy.
We are aiming to build a project the Community can contribute to ahead of time and during the event. It will be under a makeshift pagoda like the other famous twine balls (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biggest_ball_of_twine). In our twine ball museum, docents will lead tours and give talks on the history of twine, twine balls, and the people who made them. A “gifting shop” with postcards, pickled weiners and diet chocolate soda among MANY other things will be open throughout the event. We will also have an art car, preferably a 53 Chrysler DeSoto.
Participants will continue to build the ball even larger during the event by adding twine to the ball while in Black Rock City. They can forever have what Weird Al would call a 'Lame Claim To Fame' by being a contributor to the greatest Twine Ball in the Silver State. Our plan is to have the project live on as an actual roadside attraction in Gerlach with assistance from our friends.
Visit our website (https://brctwineball.org) for the most up to date information on the project.
We are looking for builders, graphic designers, muralists, metal workers, accordion players, twine ball spinners, and your help funding this project.
Help us build this incredible and absurd project for Andrej.
Thank you for your support,
Shayna and Xeno
Shayna Reich
Oakland, CA