Help Us Fight Jason Miller's Litigation Abuse
Hello and thank you for visiting this page!
My name is A.J. Delgado and I am a single mother, doing this fundraiser for my two-year-old amazing son's sake.
You may remember me from the Trump 2016 Campaign, wherein I was impregnated by Trump-aide Jason Miller, my supervisor (who, unbenownst to me at the time, was still married with a pregnant wife hundreds of miles away. This was the second workplace affair on a campaign Miller had had that year with a subordinate). Despite Miller's requests that I terminate the child, I had my amazing son in July 2017, who is the light of my life. It is for his sake that I am putting aside my pride and doing this GoFundMe, to help with my basic litigation costs as I fight for Will's rights.
A day after giving birth, while still in the hospital, Mr. Miller served me with lawsuit papers. To suffocate and overwhelm me into submission, and with zero regard for how this affects my son, Mr. Miller paid attorneys tens of thousands of dollars -- per month. The litigation is now nearly 2.5 years old. Mr. Miller has never made a settlement offer, never agreed to amicably reach a resolution, and never given my son and me a moment's peace since the day he was born.
Mr. Miller continues to extend this litigation, because he wants to pay as little as possible, despite his luxurious life. He refuses to pay for childcare so that I can even begin to work, or has explicitly said he will never pay for extracurricular activities (e.g., so Little William can learn to swim and be safe near water). He is spending tens of thousands, including even recently, merely to argue about small amounts. He deliberately creates litigation where there need be none, such as last week where I was forced to go to court for hours (while William wanted me to stay and play with him instead) simply to ensure he hands over his mandatory financial documents, whom he has, for many months, refused to turn over.
Why don't I have an attorney, you might ask? Well, to make matters even more difficult for me, in May, a Court ordered Mr. Miller to pay my attorney a set amount of fees, so that I could have counsel (Florida law requires that parties in family law cases be on equal footing, representation-wise), which would be payable in three installments. Mr. Miller made one of the payments -- and then bailed on the rest, in flagrant violation of a Court order. This caused my counsel to, naturally and ultimately, withdraw -- precisely as Mr. Miller wanted. Mr. Miller now seeks to railroad my son and me, who are without counsel and overwhelmed. (Last week, Mr. Miller paid my old attorney the amount owed -- $50,000 -- in a chummy deal that helped settle his Court debt but left me without counsel, exactly what he wanted. The point was, apparently, merely to leave me without counsel.)
But it gets even worse: earlier this month, Mr. Miller's attorney sent me an email that, suddenly at the bottom of the email, announced in a single sentence that Mr. Miller will no longer be sending *ANY* child support, until if and when a Court forces him to do so. (Our final trial is not until 2020.) (This is, by the way, unlawful as Florida law requires that parents make voluntary child support payments during the pendency of a litigation, but Mr. Miller seems to think the rules do not apply to him. As it is nearly impossible to get a court hearing, especially when pro-se, with trial approaching, William and I have no realistic relief available to us.)
If you are wondering what kind of man announces he is no longer sending an innocent boy child support -- much less announces this at Christmas -- well, meet Trump-advisor Jason Miller.
To those that think I can pay for these things myself, I have no assets and no income. To quote Miller's previous attorney, "She (Ms. Delgado) has nothing."
To ensure Will's rights are not trampled upon, Will and I are in need of counsel and, at a minimum, basic funds to at least pay for legal costs which are necessary to continue afloat in the litigation. Everything from, e.g.,:
a) court reporters for hearings, depositions, and for trial (who charge hundreds per appearance - a set appearance fee plus a steep hourly fee!),
b) to transcripts (most are over $1,000), to
c) to funds for appeals (starting at $7,500 each).
That is what this GoFundMe is for.
I am a proud person so this GoFundMe is not easy for me to do. (I did one last year, in 2018, and raised enough to stay afloat a bit in the case -- little did I know that, nearly two years later, Mr. Miller would still keep the case going.) But mothers do anything for their children and Will needs me to prevail in this litigation, in order to ensure his basic rights are not trampled upon and he receives what he is owed under the law. Please know that this is not a case of a Mother seeking $10,000/month in child support or asking that the child receive child support out of the norm. I only seek what the State calculations require and what WIll deserves. I also only ask that you help with the basic costs. (When this is all over, rest assured that a resounding article -- on how much the family law system tramples the poor, unemployed, and indigent -- awaits. Only the wealthy can afford to fight for their children's rights, and their rights as parents, and it should not be this way in America.) Please also note that, as the Respondent (i.e., the 'defendant' in a family law case), a person cannot simply 'walk away' from or ignore the litigation. The other side can suffocate, abuse, and spends hundreds of thousands to inundate and you must, the system says, 'figure it out' and find the money somewhere, somehow(!) to stay in the game.
Thank you for thinking of Little William and for helping ensure that the poor receive at least a fighting chance in court. Even if you only donate $5 or $10, every donation helps William and I stay afloat. (You can view the case docket on the Miami Dade Clerk's website - Case # 2017-16674-FC01.) If you have any questions about the case, you can reach out to me. My DM's are open.
Thank you for thinking of us this holiday season. God bless you.