Help us fund a new Roger Jones musical!
Director or Christian Music Ministries (CMM) and Composer, Roger Jones is writing another musical and we would love your help to fund it!
Since the increase in streaming music, CD sales have dropped yet it still costs just as much to produce a high quality recording! This is why we have decided to set up this fundraiser to help the musical become a reality.
This new musical will be the 25th that Roger has written over the last 40 years - quite the milestone! It will follow the Bible story of Zacchaeus and we hope it can be a real blessing for people and we hope you will enjoy this opportunity to be a very important part of it.
One of the biggest joys at CMM is when God leads Roger into a ‘creative phase.’ He works with existing lyrics (often hymns) and with lyricist Alison Fuggle, to create a new musical or collection of songs. Then a number of others spring into action: Tim Jones, Chris King and Annie Routley work on backing tracks, Annie typesets the music book and orchestrates instrumentalists, soloists, backing vocalists and instrumentalists record in the studio and artwork is created by Andrew Jones. It is a long creative process, and we always pray that the end result will be both glorifying to God and accessible to all performers, whatever their abilities.
Fundraising team (2)
CMM Events
Christian Music Ministries Trust
Roger Jones
Team member