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Help us get our Maja back & support our new family

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Friends and family and maybe even friends we don’t know yet....I’m sending this on behalf of my brother Brandon and my sister in law Paulina. 

We really need your help.

Imagine you have a moment of unbelievable happiness and you can’t share it with anyone because you’re overwhelmed with agony and depression.

That is us.

Our beautiful, energetic and amazing Maja is trying to wake from a coma that she was induced into 2 weeks ago. We’ve been in the hospital for 4 weeks with her. Day by day we sit helplessly and pray.

4 weeks ago her throat completely closed up without warning and she couldn’t breath for what seemed like hours but was just minutes. To see
our perfectly healthy daughter being administered CPR was a true out of body helpless experience. Laryngitis mixed with a nasty bacterial infection almost killed our angel. The doctors said they’ve never seen anything like it.

She’s finally breathing on her own and the doctors expect that it will be a long road to recovery that will cost a lot of money in therapy both physical and emotional. She still hasn’t been able to move or speak. She likely has emotional and motor damage to her brain and we’re dedicated to support her recovery the best that we can.

We could really use your help. We simply can’t afford the costs.

And what is our unbelievable happiness? We’re happy to announce the births of Julian and Nina who were induced weeks early because Paulina simply couldn’t withstand the stress of almost losing Maja.

This is a dark dark time for us. We need your help if you can.



  • Benny Wielandt
    • $50
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam (3)

Shane Waarbroek
Los Angeles, CA
Jamie Fauve Tanglao Waarbroek
Team member
Danielle Eriksen
Team member

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