Help us build our wildlife care facility
A non-profit 501(c) 3 wildlife rehabilitation and environmental education facility, South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Inc., was founded in 1988. For 19 of our 26 years we were 100% volunteer. Permitted, but not funded by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department or the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, we care for indigenous wildlife orphans and casualties within a 200 mile radius with a goal of return to the wild whenever possible. We accept songbirds, birds of prey, reptiles, and small and large mammals including deer. Over 2000 animals were cared for in 2013. Ninety-seven Environmental Education programs were presented in and around the Texas South Plains.
Currently, wildlife care takes place in multiple locations around the property (1.6 acres). These facilities (outdoor aviary, baby bird building, flight cage and a building for permanent birds of prey used in education) are in a wide variety of usefulness, comfort, and efficiency.
We also have a 27-year old three-story barn that has a very good framework; however, the barn was never finished and is in need of major revisions. This project has been our dream for 25 years. Major revisions will allow us to move virtually all our wildlife care functions under one roof into a multi-functional facility where we can care for many animals more efficiently. Unfortunately, we could never afford it. Hard work resulted in the receipt of a grant in 2013 of $189,435.00 for this project. Our June 12, 2014 estimate from our architect and builder was $295,621.00 to complete the building portion of project. Given possible modifications and new equipment to make it fully functional the total cost will approach $350,000. We have committed an additional $25,000 from our savings and are now attempting to raise the remaining $135,565 so we can realize our dream by the end of the year.
We raise all funds since our inception to keep our doors open thanks to animal admission donations, in-kind donations, quarterly newsletter subscriptions, education outreach programs, tributes, grants, gifts, and fundraising or other special events. Visit us on the web at www.http//spwrc.org and also on the South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center's Facebook page (and also Carol Lee's personal Facebook page).