Help Me Import Enisa's Body
Donation protected
Dear Friends and Family,
I hope everyone is doing well. I am reaching out to let everyone know that I have put a Memorial fundraiser together for my wife Enisa Hatic- Imamovic and I need your help!
Enisa was born on February 5th, 1977 in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Hercegovina. Enisa and I got married and left Bosnia for a better life. We have been living in Arizona, Phoenix 15+ years. Enisa was a amazing, loving and sweet soul. She helped everyone that has came to her for help. She gave her last meal to people in need. Everyone that knows her would say the same thing about her. Enisa was a healthy 44 year old woman that has never had any health problems. On July 2021 Enisa was diagnosed with a cancerous mass/ growth of abnormal cells in the brain and lung cancer. She immediately start radiation followed by chemotherapy. Enisa was not doing well at the beginning of radiation and chemotherapy. She developed a huge infection in her stomach that caused so many additional problems. She was in the hospital for 1 month straight because she was very ill. After a long month of being at the hospital than physical therapy and so much more she was able to come home. Enisa was home for a few weeks and felt very Ill again and was rushed to the emergency. Doctor's than found 20 more spots that were cancerous ( tumors). The tumors were spread all over her body. Enisa's lungs and body were so weak that she couldn't handle it anymore. Doctors did everything they were able to until Enisa took her last breath on Sunday November 21st at 6:05pm. :(
I have spoken to her parents ( located in Bosnia) and they have asked for her body to be imported to Bosnia so they can have the burial and memorial in Bosnia. Enisa also has mentioned that if she were to pass that she wants to make it easier on her mom and have her mom decide if she wants her burial to be in Bosnia ( close to mom). I have accepted that wish from Enisa and her parents so I am asking for help. Importing cremated remains is cheap but importing a whole body is not. I am asking for any donations. No donation is small at this time.
Thank you all for reading a little about Enisa's story and Thank you for all the help in advance.
God Bless you all !
- Nedzad Hatic
**Short Translation**
** Prevod**
Dragi Prijatelji i Famelijo,
Zelim da objavim ovu stranicu za moju suprugu Enisa Hatic - Imamovic jer mi vasa pomoc treba. Enisa je preselila na ahiret Novembra 21vog 2021 u 6:05p.m.
Enisa je rodjena Februara 5tog 1977 u Sarajevu. Enisa i ja smo iz Bosne osli za Ameriku ( Phoenix, Arizona) za bolji zivot. Enisa je bila jedna od dobri dusha, zena koja je pomagala ko god je trazijo pomoc, bila je spremna dati osobi svoje zadnje. Svi koji je znaju to bi rekli. Da je znala i za shalu a i za ozbiljnost kad je potrebno. Enisa nije imala zdravskene probleme. Uvijek je bila zdrava bez ikakvi bolova. Ali tuzan mjesec Juli 2021 osla je na pregled kod doktora i ustanovili da Enisa je imala Rak na mozgu i na plucima. Enisa je odma morala da ide na zracenje ( radiation), poslje zracenja morala je da prima Kimoterapiju ( chemotherapy). Enisa je prebrodila rak nakon zracena i kimoterapija i bila je poslana kuci gdje je nastavila da se oporavlja. Nakon mjesec dana opet je pocela bit slaba sa bolovima i u hitnoj zavrsila. Tad su doktori otkrili da se rak vratijo ali na mnogo drugim mjestima. Enisa je opet bila u bolnici dugo, doktori su ucinili sve sto su mogli nijeno tjelo nije moglo da podnese to vise. Enisina majka i famelija zele da Enisino tjelo se prebaci u Sarajevo, tu gdje su oni. Enisina je ta ista zelja bila. Ja kao nijen suprug postujem i zelim da ispunim njihove zelje. Zato vas molim za pomoc jer ova procedura nije jeftina.
Nijedna donacija nije mala!
Hvala vam unapred od srca. Da vas dragi allah sacuva od svakog zla.
- Nedzad Hatic
Nedzad Hatic
Phoenix, AZ