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Help Us Lay Autria "Angel" Love to Rest

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My name is Autria Jenkins. I am starting a GoFundMe account to help pay for funeral services for my mother Autria "Angel" Love. On June 12, 2024 my mother had a bad fall in her residence. She was taken to Fort Sanders Hospital in Knoxville, Tn. This was the beginning of a very long and difficult journey. She had diabetes and she had wounds on her feet and legs. It was later discovered that she had sepsis and would be required to have a trans metatarsal amputation to remove part of her right foot. She lost all autonomy and became bedridden and incontinent. She relied on her healthcare team and family to help turn her and feed her. She was in and out of the intensive care units/ critical care units at different hospitals in east Tennessee and Kentucky . She also stayed short term in a skilled nursing facility. She had a battle with respiratory acidosis. She was required to have intravenous antibiotics around the clock, use continuous oxygen and to wear a Bipap machine at bedtimes. She stayed very lethargic and confused most days. Around July she was diagnosed with renal failure, respiratory failure and heart failure, all while still dealing with the sepsis and the respiratory acidosis. She started having atrial fibrillation. And she also had to deal with cellulitis. In August she had to go back to Fort Sanders to have surgery to close the wound from her amputation which was left open to help promote good tissue and to deal with the sepsis. She quickly declined. She became unresponsive and very confused. I was advised that she needed dialysis to help with her renal failure and to get extra fluid off of her body. It was very soon after she needed to be placed on a ventilator. I was also notified that she had liver failure. She declined even faster. The doctors gave her countless medications, and blood products to help with all her conditions. My mom's cognitive function diminished overnight. At some point her healthcare team stated they didn't think she would last very much longer because the dialysis was not helping anymore and actually doing more bad than good for her. It sadly came to the point that all the life saving efforts were not sustainable anymore and it was inevitable that she would pass. I had to make the hardest decision I have ever made in my life and decided to take her off of life support so that she could transition peacefully. Shortly after taking her off she passed. She left behind family and friends that love and care for her dearly. I am asking you to please help donate to this fund to help bury my mother. This has been so devastating to me and my family and now we have to deal with the stress of laying her to rest. Anything you can offer is greatly appreciated. Please continue to hold our family in your prayers in this very difficult time. It is still hard to grasp the fact that this is our new reality.

The funds will be used to pay for all things associated with her funeral expenses from transporting her body back to Alabama, the casket, the vault, the funerals services (eulogizing and singers) embalming of the body, the dressing maker up and hairdresser as well a headstone to put on her grave, and the repass. We have not finalized a date yet, but we hope to have it around the week of the 14th in October.


Yusheilkia Jenkins
Tazewell, TN

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