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Help Us Lay Gabe To Rest

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My older brother Gabriel Silva tragically passed away during the early morning hours of June 1st, 2024. Just hours after the difficult decision was made to cease medical treatment and transition to hospice care to prioritize his comfort.

I’m so heartbroken. My father died 18 years ago and our mother suffered from addiction for her entire life. Gabriel was one of the only constants in my life, and he was always trying to take care of me. Even as we’ve grown older and he moved to Arizona, he’d always be calling me asking if all my bills were taken care of, or if I needed money for gas or fun or anything.

Gabriel grew up with our older brother Lawrence who was diagnosed with cancer and passed away four years ago in 2020. Gabe took care of him on hospice and was there until his final moments. Lawrence’s death destroyed Gabe and his drinking began shortly after. The final straw was the death of our mother just a few weeks ago. I knew when I saw him when he came to say goodbye to our mom before she died that his drinking had spiraled and I regret not trying harder to get him help.

Four years. That’s how long it took for alcohol to take my brothers life. Many of us have parents who’ve spent our entire lives drinking, and we foolishly fall into believing that our bodies can tollerate the same. They can’t.

Gabriel dropped out of high school to join the work force to keep the bills paid and food on the table. He worked every single day from ages 15-27, rarely ever taking time off for holidays or vacation. I know that if the pressures of capitalism didn’t exist, If all our basic needs were met and he didn’t have to stress about rent or bills. My brother would have never picked up the bottle and would be alive right now. We have so much anger and rage. This empire of exploitation has robbed our family of so much. We will overcome this, and the pain will fuel our fight to make change. To positively impact the lives of young people who we never want to see fall down the same path as my brother.

With tears in his eyes, one of the last coherent things my brother asked me was to put up a fundraiser in his honor. Not to help give him a beautiful funeral or reception or anything like that. But to help take care of me since he can’t anymore. Because that’s how selfless and caring he is. Even in his dying days he’s more worried about his family than his own fate.

As selfless as his wish is, this fundraiser is to help cover the costs of laying him to rest. This the the third death our family has experienced in less than two months, over $10,000 in end of life expenses already exhausted. Any contribution or share is greatly appreciated.


  • Anonym
    • $5 
    • 5 d
  • Emery Schmidt
    • $54 
    • 5 d
  • Maggie Seawright
    • $15 
    • 6 d
  • Naomi Jiron
    • $50 
    • 7 d
  • Peter Cabrera
    • $25 
    • 7 d


Jonathan Juarez
Albuquerque, NM

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