Help Us Open A Veterinary Clinic To Save More Animals
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**Exciting Update: Donations Now Matched!**
We are thrilled to announce that the Friendly Family Foundation has generously agreed to match all donations dollar for dollar, up to $19,000!
This means that every dollar you contribute towards our on-site veterinary clinic is now doubled, helping us reach our $40,000 goal even faster.
With your support and this incredible matching opportunity, we can open our clinic sooner and save even more animals in need. Please donate today and make twice the impact!

At Runaways Animal Rescue, our mission is to save and care for as many animals as possible. In 2023, our veterinary expenses reached a staggering $205,682.10, accounting for 49% of our total expense budget. Unfortunately, these costs have only continued to increase in 2024.
Last year, the local clinic we relied on for spay and neuter services and critical medical cases was purchased by a corporation. Since then, prices have skyrocketed, and appointments for rescues like ours have been drastically reduced. This has placed a tremendous financial strain on our rescue, as well as many of our rescue partners in the community.
To address this crisis, Runaways Animal Rescue is taking a bold step: we're in the process of hiring our own veterinarian and opening an on-site clinic. This will not only significantly reduce our reliance on expensive outside veterinary services but also cut down on the associated transport costs and demands on our dedicated staff and volunteers.
Initially, our clinic will focus on providing spay and neuter services and general veterinary care for the animals in our rescue. In the future, we plan to extend these services to support other rescue partners and then our community. By having an on-site veterinary clinic, we can save more animals in need and reduce animal suffering by providing quicker access to medical care.
We estimate that the initial setup and operational costs for the clinic will be $39,548. Once up and running, we aim to provide veterinary care to 1,000 animals annually, with a total of 1,500 lives impacted in our first year as we extend services to our rescue partners.
The best part? We already have a veterinarian ready to start as soon as we secure the necessary supplies for our clinic. But we need your help to make this dream a reality.
Any contributions received will go directly toward setting up our veterinary clinic and continuing our life-saving work in the community. Every dollar you donate brings us one step closer to saving more animals and ensuring they get the care they deserve.
Please donate today and help us create a brighter future for the animals in our care!

Runaways Animal Rescue