Help us relocate our Sanctuary & purchase infrastructure
Donation protected
I would like to add a wonderful update to our original request for help to purchase our sanctuary, relocate our animals and purchase much needed infrastructure.
We have been blessed with an amazingly beautiful heartfelt offer to purchase a property for our sanctuary and set it up in trust so our work with animals and the well being of all our animals will continue after our deaths. This is everything we had yearned for and we are so grateful.
For this reason we have changed our goal and the focus of this Gofundme to helping with the huge costs of relocating so many. animals and purchasing much needed animal infrastructure.
Our new home will not be available until March time so we have several months to navigate- camping with lots of animals. The horses are all in a massive paddock where we camp, we have ducks being cared for on someones dam, our sheep are in a wonderful shady yard nearby..and other animals in yards nearby - it is a juggle- but at the end of it, all these animals will be safe , happy and cared for - FOREVER.
But right now , in this temporary situation we could do with purchasing infrastructure that WE CAN MOVE WITH US WHEN WE GO, that will serve us well when we move into our future new home, and make a big difference to many animals right now. If we could buy several large cat enclosures that we could turn into shady havens for our rescued cats and later use them for recovering parrots- this would be a great help.
If you can help in any way, your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Our original request
It is time to purchase an ArkHeart sanctuary that can be set up in TRUST for the animals. All funds raised will help with purchase, relocation of animals to their new home base and the building of new infrastructure for sanctuary animals.
After three decades of total dedication to animal rescue and despite every attempt to find a new location, Kye and Gill currently have no permanent home for their sanctuary of animals.
If you have followed their story you know they often take in the difficult cases, the animals considered dangerous, the dogs that were known to kill, the camel that had been so abused her response to people was attack. They also help parrots that have lived in tiny cages for so many decades they often end up angry and crippled. In a space of love they help these animals heal. In fact they have witnessed that in a space of love every trauma heals.
Right now their animals are being cared for in temporary locations while they navigate the future of ArkHeart, their non profit private foundation. But they are not prepared to give up, either on their vision of helping even more animals and parrots, or on the animals already in their care. While some animals have been re-homed many would not find suitable new homes. The hard reality is that we are in an animal abuse and abandonment crisis, every sanctuary is full and overloaded, and every day thousands of beautiful animals get euthanised because there simply is not enough people caring.
This is why the work Kye and Gill, do and their dedication to it, is so vitally important. We need more sanctuaries in this world, not less. And we must get behind those who have shown an unwavering dedication to this work.
ArkHeart HAS to continue- but it has to continue now in a way that supports them to create a permanent haven where people can come to learn about the animals, be trained in the work they do with abused and frightened animals and parrots, and have accomodation so others can help in the vision. Their future now, has many hands helping.
This fundraiser is to relocate all the animals and help purchase an ArkHeart sanctuary- a permanent home where the animals will never have to relocate again that can be set up in trust so that the ArkHeart vision and all the animals continue to bloom even after Kye and Gills deaths. Without this security all these animals are vulnerable. They also need to train a team of people who can continue ArkHearts vision into the future.
But their vision is much more than just a permanent home for the animals.
They plan to create the first soft release parrot haven for rehabilitated parrots. After decades of experience in this work they know that many parrots leave their cages in a fury of frustration and are likely to attack. ArkHeart needs to set up large intermediate aviaries so these parrots can begin to heal and release their understandable, pent up frustration from the abuse they have suffered, before they can begin to live a happier life beyond a cage.
Extra funds will be used to create shelters for all the animals and build a treatment room/centre where they can isolate new animals that arrive while they have their health checks and treat any animals that are sick.
Kye and Gill will set up this sanctuary so it emanates so much beauty, kindness and love, it is a healing haven not just for the animals, but all who visit. While some aspects of animal rescue and an animals recovery will not be available to the public, many animals thrive on empowering connections with people. They intend to create a haven where people can come and learn and experience a more connected and conscious experience with our animal friends in nature. Whether this be camping with the horses, or trekking with camels a cheeky parrot, dogs and whichever animal decides to come and join. Helping people connect with the gifts the animals have to offer is a passion of Kye and Gills and in a world where animals are being discarded like rubbish, feels really important. People need to begin to understand that animals are sentient beings who feel just as we do.
These two have a big vision that they have tried to build on other peoples land. While they believed their last home was permanent, the land has now changed hands forcing them to move. Now it is time to buy a property so they can build their big kind heart-led vision on land where they can all Bloom.
They have a website that is currently under Kye's name www.kyecrow.love because most people find them through Kye's books which are a huge part of funding their work with rescued animals. During the last three decades 90% of the costs of caring for these animals have come from their own pockets. Everything they make, create, write and sell is fed back into ArkHeart.
They have done this work alone and independently for so long and now it is time for them to get the support they need to continue.
At the moment all their parrots are sitting in cages again- they keep reassuring them it will not be for long- they will do what it takes to get a new home for them all, where they can all fly freely again.
And Billy Beloved, their bull, who for the last six years has looked after their rescued sheep is also very sad. The sheep follow him everywhere and they are very bonded with Billy who is so gentle with them. Billy keeps coming up to Kye and Gill and crying in this sorrowful bawl, asking where his sheep are that have been moved to a different location. The sooner they get a new home, the sooner they can unite these animals that genuinely love each other.
Every donation takes them one step closer to their parrots flying freely again and Billy Beloved reconnecting with his tribe of much loved sheep.
These animals and ArkHearts vision are worth giving for.
Thank you from all the animals
Thank you from Kye and Gill
We appreciate you

Kye Schaaf
Lightning Ridge, NSW