Help Us Rebuild our Studios for our Youth
Beyond the Bars works to build musical and recording spaces for youth throughout Philadelphia that have been impacted by violence in any way. These spaces are built with our community so that our students can realize the talented artists and leaders they are free of charge. To date we have built 11 musical labs throughout the city with our incredible community partners. These labs and programs have been built in spaces such as homeless shelters, trauma centers, anti-violence spaces, food banks, and schools. In each of these labs and programs we have seen incredible young people find their medium for growth and realize their talent as artists.
Sadly over the last few months (including last weekend) two of our partner spaces have been broken into with a substantial portion of our recording labs being taken. We are currently fundraising to help rebuild these studios. Any additional funding will go straight towards building additional recording labs for our youth in the city. Our community is full of amazing leaders and youth and with your support we can continue to make the musical spaces our youth deserve more accessible.