Help us restore a ruined village 1000years old
Donation protected
Dear friends, family, and well-wishers!
This is a project of creation of a selfsustaineble yogic comunity with circular economy, by restoring a ruined village using Eco construction.
Past few years was really challenging in my life as I suppose for many of us! That’s why I have only practically made reposts trying to keep up the cheer and positive inspiring vibes.
Meeting my first Guru 2015 in DSVV India (Shriram Sharma Acarya Ji in his spiritual form and all his servants Dr Chinmay Pandya Ji, Dr Sunil Kumar Ji, Dr Usha Sundari and Dr Rakesh Ji my life has changed radically.
Years passing in practice and traveling.
Finally, I came to a point where my practice Did not advance anymore and a Guru in the physical form appeared: Gokulacandra das in 2018 has again change my life gradually in good sense He helped me to better understand myself, the practice, the goal, and the means.
I started seeing things from a different angle.
And even if the goal is not the cumulation of materials wealth we still need to fulfil our basic needs.
That time I was involved in different alternative tourism/health/Yoga projects in Gran Canaria.
The changing nature of the material energy brought me to the realization that I don’t longer belong to the traditional society as we all know it.
It’s difficult for me to work in a place where People have a superficial view on what they are doing and doing it Just for money.
So, I decided to seek for an alternative way of life less dependent of the system.
Pandit Sriram Sharma Acara Ji founder of All World Gayatry Parivar movement and great Sage of India has said: "the two ways to be happy are minimize your needs and adjust to the circumstances".
And its True in the simplicity the mind is calmer and the beauty shines.
Last two and a half years I have been exploring simple and natural way of life in a valley of a canary island.
I build a stone house and a beautiful garden with a help of few friends
These years has been a beautiful experience leaving in a free minded community with no Electric line, no Wi-Fi, no canalization pipe Just nature))
In a desertic conditions we were blessed to have some salty water source and the Garden grow
Through this life and a lot of traveling in India and Asia I learned techniques of eco construction and permaculture.
We have built a stone house with the materials from the surroundings and recycled, applied different Sustainable systems, and just learned everyday.
Unfortunately, the place was illegal, and we can not build something good on an instable ground.
So, I decided to look for a place, legal where we can ground an alternative yogic community based on the principles of symbiosis with nature, self-sustainability and Yogic philosophy providing opportunity to practice for everyone.
Green energy, alternative technologies, animal protection, ecological and medicinal plants therapy center, Yoga shala and much more.
This place of Ashram type Will be found in the region of Spanish Pyrenees, in a Magnificent Mountain location surrounded by pines, olives, almonds and a little walk to a beautiful Lake.
Perfect for someone who can work distantly and those who wants dive into the practice.
We signed for a part of a ruined village that we can restore using eco Construction.
Developing the location in a self-sustainable yogic shelter with circular economy and higher goal.
We are taking about a 1000 year old village which is found in prepereneo. On 1000m of altitude infront of a Lake and surrounded by kms of forest.
The village has been abandoned 60 years ago because the construction of the water basin inondated the Most fruitive lands.
At the Best Times the village had 300residents.
Now we Managed to rent a big part of the place to bring it back to life and create an ecovillage of a Ashram type.
The rental agrement is of 40 years prolongeble by tranches of 20.
The idea is to create a yogic comunity internal grouth oriented which Will become a selfsufissient paradise developing consciouncenes on many levels.
Where everyone could apply him self acording to his dharma (quality).
Social, education al, spiritual, art, music, permacultura, eco construction and much more separated section function ING as one unit.
Opening door for everyone to learn and practice without consideration of material or other status.
We need to restore using natural techniques 21-30 houses, plant 21hct land of permacultura.
Project long term.
For any more questions write PM please.
Om Tat Sat
Voluntary requirements:
Eco construction
Visual communication manager
We Will be providing Food as well as regular Yoga Classes to all volunteers.
We are looking for volunteers motivated to work and learn Eco construction and permaculture with experience and not.
As well People to join the Yogic community as a resident and participate in the development more seriously.
We also require financial support every donation is welcome.
Please contact me per email if you have any interest
[email redacted]
Your servant Nikita
Atmananda das

This is a project of creation of a selfsustaineble yogic comunity with circular economy, by restoring a ruined village using Eco construction.
Past few years was really challenging in my life as I suppose for many of us! That’s why I have only practically made reposts trying to keep up the cheer and positive inspiring vibes.
Meeting my first Guru 2015 in DSVV India (Shriram Sharma Acarya Ji in his spiritual form and all his servants Dr Chinmay Pandya Ji, Dr Sunil Kumar Ji, Dr Usha Sundari and Dr Rakesh Ji my life has changed radically.
Years passing in practice and traveling.
Finally, I came to a point where my practice Did not advance anymore and a Guru in the physical form appeared: Gokulacandra das in 2018 has again change my life gradually in good sense He helped me to better understand myself, the practice, the goal, and the means.
I started seeing things from a different angle.
And even if the goal is not the cumulation of materials wealth we still need to fulfil our basic needs.
That time I was involved in different alternative tourism/health/Yoga projects in Gran Canaria.
The changing nature of the material energy brought me to the realization that I don’t longer belong to the traditional society as we all know it.
It’s difficult for me to work in a place where People have a superficial view on what they are doing and doing it Just for money.
So, I decided to seek for an alternative way of life less dependent of the system.
Pandit Sriram Sharma Acara Ji founder of All World Gayatry Parivar movement and great Sage of India has said: "the two ways to be happy are minimize your needs and adjust to the circumstances".
And its True in the simplicity the mind is calmer and the beauty shines.
Last two and a half years I have been exploring simple and natural way of life in a valley of a canary island.
I build a stone house and a beautiful garden with a help of few friends
These years has been a beautiful experience leaving in a free minded community with no Electric line, no Wi-Fi, no canalization pipe Just nature))
In a desertic conditions we were blessed to have some salty water source and the Garden grow
Through this life and a lot of traveling in India and Asia I learned techniques of eco construction and permaculture.
We have built a stone house with the materials from the surroundings and recycled, applied different Sustainable systems, and just learned everyday.
Unfortunately, the place was illegal, and we can not build something good on an instable ground.
So, I decided to look for a place, legal where we can ground an alternative yogic community based on the principles of symbiosis with nature, self-sustainability and Yogic philosophy providing opportunity to practice for everyone.
Green energy, alternative technologies, animal protection, ecological and medicinal plants therapy center, Yoga shala and much more.
This place of Ashram type Will be found in the region of Spanish Pyrenees, in a Magnificent Mountain location surrounded by pines, olives, almonds and a little walk to a beautiful Lake.
Perfect for someone who can work distantly and those who wants dive into the practice.
We signed for a part of a ruined village that we can restore using eco Construction.
Developing the location in a self-sustainable yogic shelter with circular economy and higher goal.
We are taking about a 1000 year old village which is found in prepereneo. On 1000m of altitude infront of a Lake and surrounded by kms of forest.
The village has been abandoned 60 years ago because the construction of the water basin inondated the Most fruitive lands.
At the Best Times the village had 300residents.
Now we Managed to rent a big part of the place to bring it back to life and create an ecovillage of a Ashram type.
The rental agrement is of 40 years prolongeble by tranches of 20.
The idea is to create a yogic comunity internal grouth oriented which Will become a selfsufissient paradise developing consciouncenes on many levels.
Where everyone could apply him self acording to his dharma (quality).
Social, education al, spiritual, art, music, permacultura, eco construction and much more separated section function ING as one unit.
Opening door for everyone to learn and practice without consideration of material or other status.
We need to restore using natural techniques 21-30 houses, plant 21hct land of permacultura.
Project long term.
For any more questions write PM please.
Om Tat Sat
Voluntary requirements:
Eco construction
Visual communication manager
We Will be providing Food as well as regular Yoga Classes to all volunteers.
We are looking for volunteers motivated to work and learn Eco construction and permaculture with experience and not.
As well People to join the Yogic community as a resident and participate in the development more seriously.
We also require financial support every donation is welcome.
Please contact me per email if you have any interest
[email redacted]
Your servant Nikita
Atmananda das

Nikita Atmananda
Zaragoza, AR