Koalas are listed as endangered: Help us save them!
Donation protected

The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital has been overwhelmed by the kindness, good wishes and support from the Australian and international community for the wildlife icon, the koala.
The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, and National Parks and Wildlife Service crew leaders, have spent weeks searching for koalas following the devastating bush fires in the Port Macquarie area. To date, 31 koalas have been brought to the hospital from several fire grounds.
On admittance to the hospital, a koala is rehydrated and then the following day examined for burns which are treated with burns cream before they are bandaged. The dressings are changed every three days.

Initially, the hospital’s aim was to raise money to purchase and distribute automatic drinking stations which will be installed in the burnt areas to help in koala and wildlife survival.
The number of drinking stations being built has now been increased and they will be shared with other wildlife organisations in fire affected regions across New South Wales. Two are being built for dispatch to the northern rivers fire area next week.
We are also purchasing a water carrying vehicle with fire fighting capabilities to replenish the drinking stations with water as needed.
Donations have now reached an incredible amount and we are extending the project to establish a wild koala breeding program.
In what is a national tragedy, the bushfires in and around Port Macquarie in November, devastated a genetically diverse koala population. As many as 350 koalas have perished with approximately 75% of the fireground footprint being prime koala habitat.
Some of the funds raised through the Go Fund Me site will be directed to building a ‘Koala Ark’, a facility to allow the surviving koalas to be accommodated in a healthy habitat area. Hopefully, these koalas will breed and a new population of koalas will be established for return to the wild.
UPDTE: We're excited to share that our 'Koala Ark' - the new Wild Koala Breeding Program and Visitor Centre have now opened to the public! And this is thanks to you... our incredible, generous supporters. Our program is underway and THE most exciting news is that we have success! We're not ready to share it all but stay tuned... it won't be too long before we can spill 'the beans'.
Thank you - this is truly a program and centre built by the generosity of community, helping us save koalas.

Co-organizers (59)

Koala Conservation Australia Port Macquarie
Thrumster, NSW
Port Macquarie Koala Hospital
Sally Price
Team member
Dao Yin
Team member
Ruth Ku
Team member
Marina Etherington
Team member