Help us save Jay
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To all of our family members, dearest friends, colleagues, band members, and anyone
whose hearts have been touched by our Jay:
Sometime during the late evening of Friday, May 27th, 12 days ago now, Jay was outside his house somewhere and was met with the most violent amount of force anyone could
imagine. He was attacked within less than two thousand feet of his home by at least 2 men
with baseball bats or similar. These men
proceeded to beat him literally within an inch of his life and left him for dead on the
pavement. As we all know, Jay is a bit defiant, so somehow he eventually pulled himself off
the ground and back into his house where his mom found him and called 911.
He was then rushed to the hospital and he’s
been in critical condition in the most sedated
state possible in the ICU ever since.
Unfortunately he has sustained an unknown
amount of brain damage and current brain
bleeding due to the blunt force trauma to the
frontal lobe (forehead). Both of his orbital
sockets (eye sockets) are shattered front and
back. His jaw is broken. His nose is broken. His cheekbones are broken. They knocked out
ALL of his teeth except for one which is being
removed because it’s been knocked loose anyway. He has broken ribs, bruised lumbar and
cervical spine. He has broken fingers and
broken knuckles. There is an unknown amount of damage to his lungs and his body is covered in cuts and bruises.
We have no idea what’s to come in the future
for Jay, but he has proved himself a fighter to this day. The detectives say they haven’t seen
anyone pick themselves up and walk away from this for even a foot, let alone back into their house for help. But Jay did❤️.
For all of you that know Jay, he is an extremely talented guitar player, the happiest, most
optimistic soul, the most easy going people
person, and if he only had two pennies left in
his pocket, he would give them to someone
else if they needed them because he had the
biggest, most beautiful heart of all of us.
It is absolutely not in my nature to ask for
financial support, but Jay’s income was
responsible for household bills
here at his mom’s, as he was her soul caretaker and she is wheelchair bound.
As well as those two obvious and massive
responsibilities, we have been told by the head of neurosurgery and trauma in the ICU that if
and when Jay gets through the worst of all this,including the reconstructive surgeries on his
face and head, that he will be transferred to a
high level skilled nursing facility where he can be assisted in normal things like eating,
drinking, rehabilitation, and learning how to do the daily things to take care of himself so that
he eventually he may be able to go home.
As far as we have been told, this may be for an unknown amount of weeks to months, of
which I’m already researching facilities that are suitable for a situation like his.
As we all know, medical expenses are the killer of most households financially…. The ICU
alone is billed at near $50,000.00 a day, and
then to go to a skilled nursing facility and I am
also trying to find a way to get the
household bills taken care of so Peggy can just
concentrate on being Jay’s biggest
Depending on the level of care and support he will need, it’s hard for me not to be consumed with fear about how we I’m going to pay for all of this. As Jay’s best friend and Peggy and Jay’s sole Power of Attorney and now Peggy’s caretaker, all the funds will be going to a completely separate account that will be delegated to their expenses as needed as I go over the expenses as they happen with Peggy.
Peggy and I are so grateful beyond words for
everything you all are willing to help with. It’s
going to be a long road ahead, but if Jay can
fight this hard, so can we!
With all our love and gratitude,
Jacque and Peggy
• To get ahead of any more questions,
unfortunately there are no visitors allowed due to COVID restrictions.
• I will keep this page updated when his
condition changes.
•If anyone has any pressing concerns that
need immediate attention, if you have
information about what happened to him, or if you need to talk to myself or Peggy, please
only reach out to me via the contact button below
•Any donations made will be covering these
-Jay’s medical expenses
-Jay and Peggy’s household expenses
Jacqueline Jacobs
Costa Mesa, CA