Help us save this beautiful soul...
Tax deductible
UPDATE: Hazel's surgery has been scheduled for July 19th!! ❤️
Hazel was dumped on the mesa with 10 small babies in tow. Sandoval Co shelter was already over capacity when they took them in, so they contacted Cross My Paws animal rescue to care for them. She was a wonderful momma, and now she needs heart surgery to save her life. She was diagnosed with a PDA (the hole in her heart never closed up as it should have). We are raising money to offset the cost of her medications, surgery, and trip to Colorado where the surgery will take place at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Thank you so much for giving Hazel the gift of a long and wonderful pain-free life!!
Nan Fluke
Albuquerque, NM
Cross My Paws Animal Rescue