Help us support Larry’s medical expenses
Hello friends and family! My name is Leidy. I’m here to ask you to support my nephew Larry. As a 26 year old with a bright path to almost finish his goal and achieve his A&P certification to become a aircraft mechanic. Larry’s world was shattered when he was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma. The unfortunate news and illness devastated our family. Larry tried to maintain his life balance even though the news was getting worse. This has been an extremely difficult time for him, as not being able to work and having only a month to graduate. Larry had to put everything on hold to start his tiring chemo treatment. No one knew about his situation because he didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for him. Larry has tried his best to stay positive about his life and still helps others even when he is down. While the treatment seems to be doing it’s job and it has diminished his lymphoma, his medical bills have been a huge struggle. Larry worries about the financial load, that has taken it’s toll. With your support we all hope Larry can payoff his medical expenses, and get back on his feet.