Help Us Take Nepal To Space
Other ways to contribute:
➜ Esewa number: 9841258298
➜ Bank Account Deposit (Use services like Xoom from outside Nepal)
➭ Account no: 0010050476032
➭ Name : Ashwinee Kharel
➭ Bank: Mega Bank Nepal Limited
➭ Branch: Kantipath
➭ Branch Code: 1902
➭ Recipient Address: Tokha, Kathmandu
➭ Recipient Phone No.: 9841258298
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space is the largest student-run Space organization in the world. SEDS originally started at MIT (USA) in 1980. It has chapters all over the world and consists of high school, undergraduate, and graduate students from a diverse range of educational backgrounds.
SEDS-Nepal is the main governing body for all the SEDS chapters within Nepal. SEDS-Nepal was established in 2003 and has done many Space and Astronomy outreach programs since then. SEDS-Nepal has visited many schools in and outside Kathmandu valley giving presentations on Space and Astronomy education, and organized night sky observation sessions with Meade ETX 90 mm telescope provided to us by Permission To Dream program. Currently we have chapters in Kathmandu University (KU), Institute of Engineering - Pulchowk (IOE- Tribhuvan University), St. Xaviers, etc.
➜ To educate students of Nepal about benefits of Space Exploration and Development.
➜ To engage students of Nepal in projects related to Space Exploration and Development.
➜ To bring together Space enthusiasts that are spread all over Nepal and provide them forum for the discussion and exchange of ideas related to the Exploration and Development of Space.
➜ To provide opportunities for the students of Nepal to interact and network themselves with leaders in the Space Industry around the world.
And follow us on our socials:
Website: http://www.sedsnepal.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sedsnepal/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/sedsnepal
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ia2jZ_T0X4L8wULAmGXZg
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sedsnepal/