Donation protected
Hello, my name is Terrence Colbert. I'm the CFO of an independent film company, educator, chess enthusiast, mathematician, and father to two beautiful daughters. And I believe innocent people should not be in prison. Are you wondering how many innocent people are in jail and think one is too many? Over 3,950 people have been exonerated since 1989. Four of 100 people sentenced to death are likely innocent, but only two get cleared. (Source: The Innocence Project). There is no worst human condition and egregious violation of the social contract between the state and its citizen than an erroneous conviction.
I believe in "people" power. As someone who provides instruction in one of the most challenging communities in NYC, I know the power of visuals to educate, engage, inform and inspire.
The Film Disappearing Freedom: The Decline of Justice is a film currently in production; that needs your help to complete.
The funds raised here will go directly to purchasing and renting film production equipment, securing actors for critical reenactments, legal fees associated with securing intellectual rights not covered under the fair-use doctrine, securing location permits, hiring below-the-line staff and festival application fees.
Please also consider supporting this film with your voice. Like, share, and comment on the first of three trailers on our website. Then, start a discussion group and adopt an inmate who says he’s innocent. Believe them because no one else does.
If you are interested in taking a more active role in creating this film, reach out to Iron Metropolis Films, LLC via e-mail at [email redacted]. If you’d like to donate, please make your quick, safe, and secure contribution here.
Tylon Washington
Parking, NY