Get our Flo Her MRI scan ❤️
I have decided to do this go fund me page and decided to not be full of pride because this is for our Flo, and we really do need your help.
Flo is our Mastiff baby, she is 5 years old, and she has had a horrible life. We have had her properly since she was 2, and after a horrible past we thought this would be the start of a lovely life..
She is under the vets and medication for a skin condition, and 2 years ago just before Christmas we were told she had mammary cancer, thankfully it was caught in time and she became cancer free
In the last few months, Flos heath seems to have got worse, she has depression, she is starting to be incontinent, and a few other things, after blood tests and urine tests all have come back clear, so we were told behavioural classes for depression would be the best thing for her..
2 nights ago, in the middle of the night, Flo clapsed on the floor and had a seizure and was foaming at mouth, after she was so confused and since then she is constantly confused and bumping into things, she is a shell of herself and unresponsive, it's heart breaking to see.
We have been told by the PDSA that it could be epilepsy, but that we need her to have a brain scan which unfortunately they do not cover.. The only way Flo can have a scan is if we went private.. Which is around £500, this will enable Flo to be knocked out to perform the brain scan and to get the answers needed to start her on the way to the right medication,or to find out if it is something more serious.
I hate to beg, but as I am on ESA we do not get a lot of money, and it is literally breaking our hearts.. She is like a daughter to us and we have always fought for her, but the realisation that we cannot afford this is hurting us so much.. She deserves a good life and the only way we can know what is going on is if we have the brain scan done.
Please could anyone donate just a penny or anything towards us giving Flo the life she deserves.. We love her so much and every day we can see the confusion in her eyes and it is killing us.
Thank you so much for reading ❤️