Help us to servive the war in Gaza
Donation protected
My name is Fatma and i have started this fundraiser for one of my family members in Gaza, a single-mother with a daughter. She has lost everything, her job, her home and a way to servive. Here is her story with her own words:
"I'm Wafa from Gaza, and this is Kinda, my only daughter.
We had a beautiful life full of love and happiness , but this war came and destroyed everything.
I left my home and now live in a tent. I lost my job and everything I had, I don't have a source of income to support my family.
But with your help and donation through this link, I'm trying to save my family, get out of Gaza, and survive this war."
In arabic:
أنا وفاء من غزة وهذه كندة ابنتي الوحيدة.
كان لدينا حياة جميلة مليئة بالحب والسعادة ،
جاءت هذه الحرب ودمرت كل شيء ..
تركت بيتي وأعيش الآن في خيمة وخسرت عملي وكل ماأملك ،
وفي الوقت الحالي ليس لدي مصدر رزق لأعيل عائلتي .
لكن بمساعدتكم ومساهمتكم لي عبر هذا الرابط أحاول انقاذ عائلتي والخروج من غزة والنجاه من هذه الحرب ."
Fatma Gaard-Petersen