Help us Visit Linda
Donation protected
Hello, my name is Angela Trabold. I am posting this on behalf of my Father Kurt, and all my Siblings - Karl, Mary Grace & Kurstin.
The current situation is our Mother/Wife Linda Trabold has been in the hospital recently for a few different issues - all starting with a Gallbladder Infection & Gallstones. Which then lead to her Kidneys & Liver to stop functioning properly. She is going to need a Liver Transplant and is currently doing tests & being monitored to see if she can be put on the waiting list for a Liver. She has been very physically & mentally not capable of talking to all her loved ones trying to check in on her. She is currently immobile and stuck in her hospital bed. She will need weeks of physical therapy as well whether it's before or after a transplant depending on if she gets her strength up and the timeline of getting a transplant. We have a very long hard journey ahead of us.
We were not planning on asking for donations; a simple suggestion was made regarding gas and food - however, all of our lovely family & friends strongly requested/suggested we start this fund so they could give back to help a great womans family that they all love. Everyone wants to help in some way, and in many ways; there is nothing any one can do right now except for keep us in your thoughts & prayers.
So this is not a request for any certain amount of money needed, just a suggestion and hub for anyone who would like to help to support us in this difficult time.
The money will be used for gas & food for all the many trips we are all making back and forth to DC to be able to visit our Mother/Wife. She originally was at FMH for a little over a week. She is now currently in DC @ Georgetown University. Our Dad has been there with her every day; every step of the way @ both locations. The traveling and the situation in itself are very exhausting for him. Gas is expensive as it is, then you also have to pay for parking every day. We also have to eat out somewhere every time we are there for several hours/all day. We don't always get home in the evening with enough time to cook dinner.
Linda has taken up so much of her time to help take care of others all her life - whether it be her husband, her children, her grandchildren, her St. Joseph's Church Community, or everyone at her School she has been the HealthTech at for about 18-19 years! It is time we help her get the rest she needs to heal and come back home to us in good health!
Thank you in advance to all who were able & willing to donate. If you cannot, we understand! We have all had ups & downs. All we really are asking for in the end is that everyone pray for Linda!
God Bless!
Angela Trabold
Frederick, MD