Help Vern Nelson Through Chemotherapy
As many of you know, Vern Nelson has been steady-eddy... taking photos over the past 16 years for every Realtor and friend out there - and now he needs our help to get him through this tough period when he will be having surgery and chemotherapy to get rid of the stomach / esophageal cancer he was recently diagnosed with.
The Doctors expect Vern to make a full recovery, but he won't be able to work for a couple of months. His medical bill so far is $4,500 and he will have future medical bills to cover as well.
Where do I come in? Well, Vern has been generously training me in real estate photography over the past 8 months. I always knew he was a good guy, but his generosity has been astonishing while training me, and now I'm helping him out while he goes through these tough times and gets better.
To get through the month of December, Vern has had to use credit card deferral programs and has collected on invoices that agents owed from previous months. As these sources run out, January and February will be a real hardship for him.
Please give to support the guy who has given so much to so many.
Warmest Regards to All,
Dana Wood