Help Victims of Ongoing Cyberstalking and Abuse
We are a group of women who are victims of cyberstalking abuse from a serial predator whose abuse has spanned over fifteen years. According to the US Department of Justice, stalking crimes are some of the least litigated cases, with only 50% of reports recorded by police, and only 7% of victims reporting that their stalker was arrested. Cyberstalking is particularly difficult to prosecute, with the law always several steps behind advances in technology and new criminal tactics. The impact of cyberstalking on its victims is similar to other forms of intimate partner violence, but there is little legal recourse presently available.
This predator creates websites and social media profiles in which he doxxes, defames and impersonates victims. He torments his victims with threats and acts of revenge porn posted on forums or sent directly to their families. His incessant harassment tactics include contacting victims’ workplaces in attempts to have them fired, and fabricating blackmail intended to coerce victims into meeting his demands. His cyberstalking campaigns span platforms as varied as Duolingo, Etsy, SkillShare, Animal Crossing, Venmo, and other social forums - monitoring every corner of his victims’ online activity. He has created hundreds of spoofed phone numbers, email accounts, Instagram and Twitter profiles to torment women. Victims frequently endure dozens of disturbing messages in a single day. This relentless onslaught of harassment - often accompanied by veiled and explicit threats - has had a significant impact on the victims’ mental health and sense of personal safety.
Efforts taken by the victims to evade this predator include life-altering measures like leaving the country, breaking leases, changing phone numbers, and closing profitable and personal social media accounts, all of which have impacted their finances and quality of life. Those who have sought remedies through the criminal justice system have been victim-blamed, slut-shamed, and dismissed. The predator uses his knowledge of the law and professional background in cybersecurity to strategically avoid being perceived as an immediate threat by law enforcement. Victims located outside of the United States have little legal support available, despite receiving upwards of one thousand total contact attempts. These challenges are why we are seeking to raise funds to pursue civil litigation with the voices of a dozen women who have found each other and shared their experiences about the abuse they’ve collectively suffered at the hands of this serial predator.
The funds raised here will go towards the legal fees incurred in civil litigation, which facilitates easier preponderance of evidence than demanded by criminal court, and if a judgement is enforced it can serve as evidence for a future criminal ruling. One victim has been advised by their legal counsel that representation may cost upwards of $50,000 due to the complex interstate jurisdiction and cybercrime elements of the case. Additional funds will be used to cover expenses incurred from safety measures taken by the victims which include moving costs, home security measures, digital footprint cleanups, and counseling.
We ask you to please help with any amount you can spare to donate and to share our call for help as we seek justice for the victims.
NOTE: Names and identifying details about the harassment victims have endured have been kept private for their protection. The predator's identity is kept private due to ongoing legal action. We ask that no one try to contact either the victims or the perpetrator.