Hello! My name is Vivian! I am a young (B-day May 25) Trans Woman who is trying to move out of a unsupportive household and start her transition. Unfortunately, due to covid and focusing on finishing High School (as well as my parents not allowing it) , I have been unable to get an in-person job and saving up money has been tough. I have been doing online commissions to save up money, however unfortunately the costs appear to be too much to handle without more help. As well, as I am being removed from my parents insurance, meaning I will be uninsured for the foreseeable future and medical costs (especially involving my transition) will be far harder for me to afford. That's why I've decided to set up this gofund me. I am asking for $3000, which is a goal I do not expect to ever reach, However, after inspecting my finances and the cost of things, especially medical, I feel it is a necessary amount to cover what I need.