Help w/ Tyler Woolerys medical bill
Where do i start. One of my best friends Tyler Woolery is currently fighting for his life. On Tuesday January 17, 2017 Tyler's fiance woke up to see that tyler was not breathing and he has been in ICU since, the dr's are still working to pin point exaclty what caused such a horrible thing. He is in and out of a seduced coma and is starting to show responses to the nurses when they ask him to squeeze his hands and is starting to open his eyes breifly also. The purpose for this page is to try to provide AS MUCH HELP for tyler and his fiance's finances and medical bills since the dr's have made it clear he will have a very long road ahead for recovery, and we all know how expensive medical bills are. Obviously tyler will not be able to work for a long time from now and his fiance is working as much as possible but with tyler being in ICU and how heavy her heart is and being there for him it is hard for her to get very much work in. As a close freind/Brother to tyler i am asking anyone who can help to please do. Any amount is GREATLY Appreciated! The funds from this will all be going to their rent and other bills...Utilities, phone to keep in contact with family and freinds, food, car, insurance etc. If we can get them enough to pay their bills for a few to several months that would be one less thing Sarah and tyler would have to stress about. Anyone that knows tyler knows how tough he is, he definately isn't a quitter! So please, if any of you coud please help Tyler and his Fiance Sarah get through this terrible time they would be VERY appreciative, as will I! Tyler is still in ICU as of today and he wont be leaving the hospital anytime soon. We will keep people posted on his recovery once the dr's have more information to give to his fiance Sarah. Again, i ask from the bottom of my heart that if you can donate even just $5 it will help tremendously! I thank each and every one of you and i know Tyler and Sarah do too. Thank You.