Help Wayne Weaver with his medical costs
Our Patron and inspiration for our charity, Wayne Weaver is in the unusual position of requiring support to meet some challenges related to treatment for a serious health condition.
Recently Wayne has been diagnosed with aggressive throat cancer.
The good news is it’s treatable. The challenging news is Wayne is about to go into a series of 35 Chemo and Radium therapy treatments over a 7 week period after having a feeding tube inserted next week.
During that time Wayne will be critically unwell, unable to care for himself and for his 9yo charge Maddison. We are hoping to keep Maddy at home during this time and attending school as well as peer activities during Wayne’s treatment as well as have a carer for Wayne while he enters into this next battle.
Those of you who know Wayne will know how serious things have become for him to agree to ask let alone accept support. The shoe is usually well and truly on the other foot.
Over his lifetime Wayne has and continues to support those in need, often at personal cost to himself. He has been awarded countless times for his services to community. In the 20+ years of friendship we’ve enjoyed with Wayne he’s never once asked for support. This is a serious call to action.
So please help Wayne and Maddy over the next little while. Any and all support will be gratefully received.
Thank you in advance.
Todd Gee
Petrie Terrace, QLD