Help welcome Sara and Roshawns baby into the world
Most of the time after you find out that you're pregnant you and your partner have the time before the baby comes to plan; save money, shop for supplies, get ready for the scary financial situation that is maternity leave. Unfortunately with this pandemic most of us are unable to work our regular shifts, let alone pick up extra work to put a little money aside.
The reality we’re living in is tough and financially stressful for the regular person. Then add being pregnant on top of this pandemic; trying to navigate what is safe and what is not, worrying about where money is going to come from, just getting to regularly scheduled doctors appointments and birthing classes that are cancelled until further notice.
Baby Opal is due in September and I would like to do what I can to make life a little easier for them. If you’d like to help me get this little family off on the right foot consider leaving a donation to help them out.