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Help Willie Mccarter Reopen His BBQ place

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Hello I’m Willie Mccarter the owner of Mccarter’s Bar-b-que at the corner of Cranford and MLK.in Fort myers ,Fl . I recently had knee surgery which has left me no choice but to close my business temporarily and it seems like a life time because this has never happened that I would be closed for any reason and wasn’t able to feed my customers and family I think that hurts more than anything not being able to do anything after helping so many. At this point I need help due to not being able to work my business is suffering and gone down after over 50 years in community cooking meals and making smiles. I need help getting things back up and running anything is appreciated and I am truly grateful .


  • Glenda BEARDSLEY
    • $200
    • 2 mos
  • Anonym
    • $10
    • 2 mos
  • Anonym
    • $60
    • 2 mos
  • Alexandra Bremner
    • $250
    • 2 mos
  • Carl Kerstann
    • $10
    • 2 mos


Willie Mccarter
Fort Myers, FL

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