Help with Barn Deposit Stolen From Horse Rescue
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So you have all been probably wondering how the barn building and move is coming along. Well...it's not.
In October, we got our quotes and decided upon the contractor that was already putting up stalls at our new location. All was seemingly going to plan until our installation date came and went. We had given him a deposit to acquire the materials, and then his texts and return phone calls became non-existent. He also never finished the work he started for the other party at our location.
Long story short, we are out 10K that our donors worked so hard to get for us in record time, we have no barn, and are trying to figure out next steps. (other than the civil suit that will be filed)
We wanted to begin our new year with a fresh place, and optimistic outlook for the future, moving forward with excitement and anticipation. We now are facing a huge financial setback, having to deal with courts, and the stagnation of not knowing when this will come to fruition.
I want to thank all of you for your love and support during this time. You have already been beyond generous. To have this happen to us during the holidays is just devastating. We will have our justice, but until then, we still have to find a way to pay for our barn (aka mare motel) and current board simultaneously. (Universe! We are calling in a very generous benefactor!)
And while I am not ever a poster of negative information, I feel that for the safety of other people in the horse industry, in the event that they are looking to build any horse structures, here is name of the person and their company. Buyer beware:
Ramon Fregozo - West Coast Corrals or Golden State Corrals
(they have Yelp and Google reviews - should have read them before hand)
If you can find it in your hearts to make this happen for us, we would be forever grateful. It takes a village and we are asking everyone in our village community to help us right this wrong that was done to us and our donors.

In October, we got our quotes and decided upon the contractor that was already putting up stalls at our new location. All was seemingly going to plan until our installation date came and went. We had given him a deposit to acquire the materials, and then his texts and return phone calls became non-existent. He also never finished the work he started for the other party at our location.
Long story short, we are out 10K that our donors worked so hard to get for us in record time, we have no barn, and are trying to figure out next steps. (other than the civil suit that will be filed)
We wanted to begin our new year with a fresh place, and optimistic outlook for the future, moving forward with excitement and anticipation. We now are facing a huge financial setback, having to deal with courts, and the stagnation of not knowing when this will come to fruition.
I want to thank all of you for your love and support during this time. You have already been beyond generous. To have this happen to us during the holidays is just devastating. We will have our justice, but until then, we still have to find a way to pay for our barn (aka mare motel) and current board simultaneously. (Universe! We are calling in a very generous benefactor!)
And while I am not ever a poster of negative information, I feel that for the safety of other people in the horse industry, in the event that they are looking to build any horse structures, here is name of the person and their company. Buyer beware:
Ramon Fregozo - West Coast Corrals or Golden State Corrals
(they have Yelp and Google reviews - should have read them before hand)
If you can find it in your hearts to make this happen for us, we would be forever grateful. It takes a village and we are asking everyone in our village community to help us right this wrong that was done to us and our donors.

Fundraising team: Barn Raisers (2)
Esta Bernstein
Sylmar, CA
Saffyre Sanctuary, Inc.
Cass DelCastillo
Team member