Help with Family Living Situation and Medical
Donation protected
Dear Friends,
As you already know, many families are going through such hardship with the war in Ukraine. My family and my cousin's, Kateryna Klishyna, family are escaping and close to the border. My mother, my 10 year old brother, and Kateryna’s sister, left their home the morning of March 2nd and arrived to safety March 6th. As you can imagine, the journey there was brutal but all that matters is that they made it, and they are safe. We are forever grateful to still have them as there are so many who can’t say the same. The rest of our family which include our 3 grandparents, 2 who are not able to walk, and Kateryna’s mom and dad, are still in danger as they are currently still trying to escape. We are praying that they will make it out of Ukraine and into safety soon.
What's next is for them is unclear, unpredictable, and terrifying.
This is where we’d like to ask for any support as they spend their time away from home. They will be in need of accommodations, food, and medical attention for quite some time. We are raising money to send to them and keep them in good hands. Anything you can do to help would be much appreciated.
From the bottom our our hearts we thank you and please keep our family and the rest of Ukraine in your thoughts and prayers.
Oksana and Kateryna
Oksana Platero
Encino, CA