Help with Keiran's Vet Bills
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It's with a heavy heart that I write this knowing that the joy and never-ending tail wags of a little black dog named Keiran has gone over the rainbow bridge.
Hi, my name is Cheryl and I'm a good friend of Sheri's. When I met the entire family in 2017, Keiran blessed me with tail wags!!! And if you've ever received Keiran tail wags and/or kisses, then you're as blessed as I was. Sheri has been such a good friend over the years, always there when I needed her during my own heartbreak. I know I kept asking, "What can I do? How can I help?", but being thousands of miles away there's not much I can do. This is something I can do and it's my gift to them.
On Monday, March 27, 8-year-old Keiran was seen by his regular vet for lethargy, vomiting, and diarrhea. At the time, they diagnosed him with Colitis, which he's had before so of course his mom and dad took care of him but didn't expect anything worse to come of it. Unfortunately, within hours, Keiran was admitted to the ER and was in serious condition.
Keiran had to stay overnight and after some initial diagnostics, they felt that an ultrasound and surgery were going to be needed. The u/s was bypassed and he went directly into surgery. A mass was found at the junction of his small and large intestines and the surgeon was able to remove it and it was sent for biopsy (they're pretty sure it was cancerous). During surgery, his blood pressure dropped and remained low. Once he woke up, the vets addressed the low blood pressure but were unable to get it back up.
As Sheri so eloquently stated, "we did everything we could possibly do for him, including giving him the final unselfish gift of freedom from a failing body."
As you can imagine, with the shock of this news and having to also give Edan that same gift a little over a month ago, it's been very hard emotionally for their family. But we also know how it strains us financially.
If you'd like to contribute to help pay Keiran's vet bills, please do so, but there is no obligation. Any extra funds received will be donated to Canine Cancer Research.
I'm happy to post the bill if anyone asks me to, however, here are the general costs that you are helping with:
- Initial consultation + overnight stay: $2,886.71
- Surgery consult + surgery: $5,273.07
- Blood pressure + end-of-life care: $1,710.04
- Total: $9,869.82
Thank you for your contributions.
Organizador e beneficiário
Cheryl Uyematsu
Portland, OR
Sheri Rockhill