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Help Meghan with emergency medical care and student loans

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I'm Meghan, also known as Pez. I've been paying off my student loans for ten years, and just as it looked like the end was in sight, some legal questions around student loan repayment plans caused my monthly payments to skyrocket. At the same time, a member of my family was diagnosed with a serious medical condition that will require me to take time off from work to travel and take care of them.

I live far away from my family, and need to raise funds to help take care of my cats and allow me to take the time I need to take care of my family and handle the bills from the unexpected air travel and any other surprise bills thrown my way.

Any funds raised through this GoFundMe will go toward emergency travel, pet care, and unexpected expenses related to helping my family, and to handle my student loan repayments during this emergency.

Estimated cost breakdown:
  • Approximately $700 for airfare
  • Approximately $600 for transportation to and from airports and destinations
  • Approximately $300 for pet care while traveling
  • Approximately $300 for miscellaneous travel costs (food/hotel if required, luggage fees if required, and so on)
  • Any remainder after that estimation would go toward handling the projected increase in student loan payments per month due to recent proceedings, or would otherwise be used for emergency expenses such as unpaid time away from work


  • Ryan Berge
    • 100 $
    • 2 Mo
  • Anonym
    • 50 $
    • 2 Mo
  • Anonym
    • 200 $
    • 3 Mo
  • Anonym
    • 1.500 $
    • 3 Mo
  • Chaitali Shah
    • 50 $
    • 3 Mo


St. Paul, MN

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