Help with Terry’s Vet Bills
Hello Turtle World of Medina Fans
It’s been suggested to me that I should start a GoFundMe fundraiser to help defray costs for Terry’s veterinarian care.
Terry is one of our large African Spurred Tortoises from my personal collection of turtles and tortoises. “Turtle World” is the name I gave to the zoo like displays I created in my back yard. I open my yard to visitors (by appt only) from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I gave over 50 tours this past Summer to help pass the quarantine doldrums. Terry is a favorite among the visitors, especially the children.
This past Wednesday neighbors noticed smoke coming out of the barn and called the Medina F.D and myself. I got home to find the MFD doing their thing to extinguish the fire and save some of the turtles and tortoises in the barn. Terry and a few water turtles survived. Operations Captain Steve Ingersol administered oxygen to Terry (pictured) and the photo went viral.
Terry, our biggest African Spurred tortoise is receiving treatment at the Barberton Veterinary Center. Terry is under the care of Dr Riggs an experienced Exotic Animal Veterinarian.
Terry is receiving oxygen, antibiotics and other treatments to clear out his lungs and help him recover from the smoke damage. Dr. Riggs share this morning (2-28) that he appears to be making progress, though more treatment will be required. I’llkeep you posted on his progress on Instagram and Facebook.
Any leftover funds will be donated to the Medina Fire Dept.