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Help Your Local Express Distributor

Spende geschützt
As many of you may have seen, September 12, 2019 was the last day the Washington Post Express was  printed and distributed at Metro stations throughout the greater DC area.

This news came as a shock to many people, including 75 Express distributors that handed out the daily newspaper at local metro stops throughout the DMV region. According to the DCist, they have been left jobless, without notice or severance. 

In order to help these kind-hearted individuals who brightened the day of thousands of commuters for many years, we would love to see the greater community come together and offer support in order to keep them on their feet while they look for new opportunities. Raising $75,000 would be enough to give them each $1,000, but any amount collected above or below that goal will be distributed evenly between all of the workers. In order to facilitate this, I have been in touch with their manager from the Express, who has committed to collecting all of their information to receive campaign contributions through GoFundMe. 

Whether your commute has been made better by the friendly face and greeting of an Express worker, or you just want to help and support those in need, please consider donating to this campaign. 

This fundraiser has been organized by: 

Erin D'Amato 


For any questions please reach out through the Gofundme campaign website.



  • Amy Fulton
    • $10
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Erin DAmato
Washington D.C., DC
Dionne Bussey-Reeder

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt