Zander's Eagle Project at King Middle School
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Zander Jordan. I'm a Life Scout with Boy Scout Troop 451 in Pace, FL. For my Eagle Project I choose to build a memorial in honor of Coach Austin My dean and coach at KMS.
My project will consist of two wrap around benches to be located at the school's PE area. There will be a flower garden between the two benches. This memorial will provide a shaded place during PE and community events.
- Donations will cover lumber, tools, hardware, and other nessasary supplies for benches and garden.
- Supplying food and drinks to all volunteers at the build dates.
- Cover any unforeseen additional cost that I run into along the way.
- Any additional funds after the project is complete will be given to the beneficiary at Kings Middle School. They are going to put The money in the Joseph S Austin scholarship foundation.
Ways YOU can help:
- Donating money! Any amount is appreciated.
- .Donating time! If you like landscaping work and building with wood, we would love for you to help us with the project. Please reach out to me with your contact information so I can give you updates on project workdays.(850)503-6795
Zander Jordan
Milton, FL