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Rest peacefully kind man - Joe Truman

Spende geschützt
This is my fiance Joe Truman. We have been together going on 10 years. Early last year, Joe with diagnosed with Stage 3 Head and Neck Cancer of the tonsils, lymph nodes, and sinuses all the way to the base of his skull almost reaching the brain. After 3 Chemo treatments in the office, 2 take home chemo treatments lasting a week each, and 35 rounds of radiation, now a year later, Joe is not showing any signs of cancer!

Unfortunately, the radiation therapy did damage that we didn't realize was possible during the treatments. His soft palate was destroyed, making it now impossible for him to try and eat or drink regular foods without the possibility of aspirating.

After some research, and suggestions by doctors, we found an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon/Dentist in Orlando that can build a prosthetic for Joe to cover the large whole in his mouth that prevents him from swallowing. Ultimately, this will allow Joe to eat normally again, and he can have his feeding tube removed.

Many of you that do know Joe, know he is one of the kindest, most compassionate, loyal people, and would give anyone the shirt off of his back. I have not told him that I have started this page, as I don't want him to feel embarrassed at all. Joe is never one to ask anyone for ANYTHING!

We have not been given the total amount that the dental procedures will cost, however, I decided to go ahead and start a page for him so that when he is ready to proceed we will not have to wait if possible.

I appreciate you taking the time to read the above, and thank you all for your kindness during this entire process from the very beginning.

God Bless-
Tana Arruda


  • Bernice and Jerry Randall
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Tana Arruda
Holiday, FL
Joseph Truman

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