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Help A Hyper

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We are a small outdoor group fitness community that is trying to raise funds for 2 of our very own. Cherie and Jack have recently, almost simultaneoulsy, been diagnosed with cancer and are currently going through chemotherapy treatment. They are both absolute, lovely legends (and Dragons fans) who have been dealt a tough card. 

In light of this, we are running a fitness event at Gledswood Homestead and Winery on Saturday 19th August from 830 - 11am, with an aim to raise funds to help both Cherie, Jack and their families in this hard time. The event is $20 and not only will you get a great workout to some funky beats there will also be prizes to give away and an opportunity to auction on some great items. There will also be hot coffee, bacon and eggs rolls, and some craft beer and wines on offer.

Greater donations are accepted. Thanks for your time and we hope to see you there :)



  • Anita Keen
    • $46
    • 7 yrs


Hype Fitness
The Oaks, NSW

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt