Britt’s Medical Fund
UPDATE 7/9/20:
This is the last thing we want to be telling you, but earlier today, Britt suffered a major seizure nearly a year after his initial traumatic brain injury. He is currently being treated at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, in the neuro-trauma ICU. Britt has been stabilized, but is unconscious and intubated at this time. With the current tumultuous times we all cope with, it is with great regret that we must reach out for your support during this pandemic and social and political unrest. Though there are many causes worthy of your backing, we implore you to please consider extending some relief to Britt. During the Covid-19 crisis, Britt was let go by his employer, and he subsequently lost his insurance coverage. Though he was in the process of seeking alternative coverage, this episode was obviously not foreseen, and could not come at worse time. After the strength and resilience he has shown all of us in the past year, we have no doubt that Britt will pull through and recover fully. All positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated, and we are eternally grateful for any help you may be able to offer Britt. We will keep everyone fully updated via this platform, and we eagerly await to share his strides toward recovery with you. Thank you for your time and consideration
As you may know, Britt suffered a traumatic brain injury during a skateboarding accident on Saturday, August 10th. He is currently in stable condition at OHSU hospital, fully sedated until further notice. Upon arrival to the hospital, Britt underwent emergency surgery to relieve pressure from his brain. His medical bills and personal expenses are going to start piling up quickly, and we are hoping to help alleviate some of the financial burden so he can focus fully on recovery once he regains consciousness. We (a small group of his friends and roommates) will keep this page current with any updates on his condition as we receive them from the medical professionals caring for him in the ICU.
Any and all help is massively appreciated! Please keep Britt in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you.