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Help Coach Shearhart

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Over the summer our family received some very sadening news, my father in law Bob Shearhart  was diagnosed with Stage 3 throat cancer. The CT scan showed that it has taken over his tongue and left lymphnode.  As anyone can imagine, this isn't something taken lightly. There's been a storm of emotions that have fled our family but after weeks for deliberation, Bob and Julie have picked a treatment plan that best fits their lifestyle.  This October, Bob will begin Gerson Therapyfrom home, where he will start with a very intense 3 week cleanse. Gerson Therapy is a natural treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself.  This will ultimately be a 2 year commitment to regenerate the body to health. As so many of you know, Bob has been a beloved english teacher and coach at Bandera High School for over 25 years. He is a husband, father of 4 and "GranBob" to 3 granddaughters. He is going to need time away from school to heal himself beginning this October. Julie, his wife will also be taking the month of October off to help Bob with his 3 week cleanse. Bob and Julie's insurance does NOT cover this treatment plan. Costs of treatment, medication, organic produce for his juice cleanse will easily cost thousands of dollars over the next two years.  There is only so much I can do from the outside but I am asking for you support to help The Shearharts have one less stress.  They are mentally and emotionally spent, worrying about finances so that Bob can do his treatment from home is the last thing I want for my in-laws. Help if you can. Anything is appreciated. If all you are able to contribute is a healing prayer, we gladly accept.  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, 

Bella Shearhart

To learn more about The Gerson Therapy visit,



  • Coach is The man
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Bella Shearhart
Bandera, TX
Julie Shearhart

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